The Times and the Journal provide data on digital subscriptions in publicly available reports, but since this is not the same as circulation and may not be counted under the same rules used by AAM, these independently produced figures cannot easily be merged with the AAM data. – The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post – have in recent years not fully reported their digital circulation to AAM. But three of the highest-circulation daily papers in the U.S. Using only the AAM data, digital circulation in 2022 is projected to have remained relatively stable.
Within this total circulation figure, weekday print circulation decreased 13% and Sunday print circulation decreased 16% from the previous year.ĭigital circulation is more difficult to gauge. Additional details about how the circulation estimate is calculated can be found in the methodological note below.) (Note that the Alliance for Audited Media (AAM), the source of this circulation data and the group that audits the circulation figures of many of the largest North American newspapers and other publications, changed their reporting period in 2020 from a three-month period to a six-month period.